Diversity in Startups – Studie (engl.)

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Datum: 13. März 2020
Größe: 548.34 KB
Downloads: 84
  • 84 Download
  • 548.34 KB Dateigröße
  • 3. Februar 2020 Veröffentlichungsdatum

The global management consulting firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and French non-profit organization SISTA partnered in building this tool to offer a robust and objective quantitative analysis of the challenges associated with gender diversity in entrepreneurship.

We consulted a database of more than 15,000 French, German, and British start-ups and more than 27,500 founders

  • Startingpoint:Allstart-upsfoundedsince2008identifiedbyCrunchbase
  • Gender qualification: combination of external data and application of an algorithm to filter first names
  • Financingdata:CombinationwithdatacollectedfromDealroom
  • Identification of main investors (venture capital funds) based on the amount of investments made in start-ups founded since 2008 in the three countries mentioned and on the funds these investors deployed in the past ten years

Key Results:

  • Of all German start-ups considered for the report, only 4% are all female and 10% mixed for 86% all male start-ups. With these figures, Germany is lagging behind France and the United Kingdom
  • Little progress has been made in the past ten years. At the present rate, in the German entrepreneurial ecosystem parity will not be reached until 2139
  • The gap between male and female entrepreneurs is also due to the fact that women mostly (70%) found start-ups in partnership with men, while the latter rarely go into partnership with women (11%)
  • Female start-ups in Germany are 18% less likely to receive funding than other start-ups, with 25% less funding from main investors. The situation gets tougher with every round of funding: German female start-ups are 40% less likely to get series-A (second financing round) funding and 90% less likely to get series-B (third financing round) funding
  • On average, female start-ups receive 3.1 times less money than male start-ups in Germany (compared to 1.3 times less funding in the UK and 2.5 times less in France). This gap is even wider with regards to valuation: A female start-up is valued 16.4 times less than a male startup when raising a seed series in Germany
  • Part of the explanation can be found in the current state of the German venture capital industry: Out of the top 3 funds only 1 has a female partner

Eine umfassende Analyse zum aktuellen Stand von New Work finden Sie in meinem Blog-Beitrag:
"Warum die Definition des New Work Konzepts ein Update braucht".

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