Situation auf dem internationalen Arbeitsmarkt – Studie (englisch)

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Datum: 13. März 2020
Größe: 6.19 MB
Downloads: 26
  • 26 Download
  • 6.19 MB Dateigröße
  • 15. Oktober 2019 Veröffentlichungsdatum

Studie zur Situation auf dem internationalen Arbeitsmarkt von Hays unter dem Titel "The Hays Global Skills Index 2019/20", mit besonderem Fokus auf das Thema Gehalt, in englischer Sprache.

Aus dem Inhalt:

1. Invest in education, life-long learning and reskilling programmes as a priority for governments and businesses

Developing skillsets for workers that are less vulnerable to the forces of outsourcing, automation and globalisation should help ease some of the overall downward pressure on wages. The boost in human capital from training will also increase productivity which should in turn stimulate wage growth. There is also a real opportunity for businesses to work with educational institutes to ensure the skills of tomorrow are being taught and people are suitably ready for the world of work.

2. Employers should actively motivate employees to take advantage of flexible working and geographically distant opportunities

Organisations should embrace flexible working practices to encourage more people to participate in the workforce. In addition, technology in the workplace has increasingly led to more flexible working, providing workers with more geographically distant opportunities. These polices also support employers to enlarge their pool of candidates and improve the matching of talented individuals and vacancies.

3. Companies should embrace diversity in the workforce in all its forms

Resolving the division within gender-dominated occupations will not only help reduce the gender pay gap but will also help increase the talent pool on offer for employers. Organisations should offer return to work schemes for mothers who have left employment, helping to encourage participation in the workforce. As part of this, governments and businesses alike should ramp up programmes that encourage women to seek careers in traditionally male-dominated sectors, such as technology.

These are but a handful of potential remedies that will contribute to resolving the issues facing today’s labour markets and could help to resist any further exacerbation. However, these recommendations alone won’t solve our problems. We need to work collaboratively, across business and government, to ensure we’re prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.

I hope that this year’s Index provides not only some valuable insight into the issues facing workers across the globe, but also some considerations for potential remedies that institutions and policymakers alike can take forward into the future.

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